Building Community

Little kids sitting around in a classroom in a circle listening to a teacher
Building a strong sense of community in early childhood classrooms is crucial for creating a safe, nurturing, and supportive learning environment. Here are some things our teachers at Friends School Haverford have been busy working on to help foster a sense of community among children:
  • Establishing classroom norms and expectations helps children gain understanding and ownership of their classroom environment. Teachers spend plenty of time helping children understand how to treat each other with respect and kindness.

  • Classroom jobs help foster a sense of responsibility and cooperation. Feeding Gordon the turtle and watering the plants are one of the first jobs given to our youngest children.

  • Our buddy classroom experience pairs older or more experienced students with younger or newer students as "buddies." Buddies can help each other with tasks, build friendships, and provide support.

  • Teachers are designing and implementing group projects that encourage children to work together, and solve problems cooperatively—fostering a sense of teamwork and shared achievement.

  • Family involvement that engages parents and caregivers in classroom activities helps our children build a connection between home and school.

Friends School Haverford's teachers encourage children to express themselves, listen to one another, and celebrate their individuality while fostering a sense of togetherness and belonging.