Learning About Families

Drawing of a family created by a child
What makes a family? That was the question posed to our Preschool class when they began their inquiry exploring all the different ways families can be alike and different. With the help of some great books, including The Family Book, Families are Different, and Love is a Family, the Preschool class discussed how families come in all different types and sizes.

Discoveries and activities have included:

  • There are families with two parents and children. There are families with one parent. There are children whose grandparents are the caregivers. In some families, the children are not biologically related. There are small families and large families. There are families with a variety of combinations of grown ups. Some families are blended.

  • Not only do many of us consider our pets to be family, but some consider them to be, well,  human! One of our students, who has several older siblings, identifies her beloved dog as her brother. She’s not the only one!

  • While using skin tone crayons, our students learned about different skin colors and hair types that families might have. Each of us has our own skin color, which is made up of three things: our ancestry, melanin, and the sun. Whatever our skin color, we all have a variety of bodies that all require nutritious food and care. 

  • Finally, we decided on this definition of family: Families love and take care of each other.

Why is this study such an important part of our early childhood program? Because for children this age, their family is the center of their world. Studying families in preschool engages children in understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion by exposing them to various family structures, challenging stereotypes, fostering empathy, and creating an inclusive learning environment. These early experiences lay the groundwork for children to become more accepting, open minded, and inclusive individuals as they grow and develop. This foundational work is critical to the Friends School Haverford experience and continues throughout a child’s time at our school.